Resilience Knowledge Exchange Series Session 2: NCR Rapid Gender Assessment Findings Presentation Deck
COVID-19 remains to be an unfamiliar threat that currently has the world in distress. Despite the fact that the Philippines has amassed extensive experience and knowledge on reducing risks and building resilience amidst natural disasters, conflict, changing climate, and degraded ecosystems, communities and local authorities are still not adept in dealing with the risks of the nature and scale of the COVID-19 pandemic which include not only health and economic impacts, but social and environmental impacts as well.
In the Philippines, the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded amidst multiple humanitarian emergencies — compounding negative impacts and exacerbating pre-existing vulnerabilities of crisis-affected individuals particularly those from marginalized sectors. We know that emergencies and responses are not gender-neutral and that different groups of women, men, boys, and girls experience crises differently. The Rapid Gender Assessment (RGA) elevates these gendered experiences, needs, capacities, and coping strategies, to (1) shape and influence the response plans and operational guidelines of LGUs, CSOs, and other humanitarian actors responding to COVID19; and (2) strengthen existing interventions to ensure they are gender-responsive.
This inter-agency RGA surfaces the voices of 145 individuals from the most marginalized communities — urban poor, barangay health workers, persons with disabilities, solo/young parents, the homeless, senior citizens, LGBTQI — in six cities of Metro Manila. It was conducted within the first three months of enhanced quarantines when NCR was the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, through phone interviews and online surveys organized by CARE, ACCORD, Plan, Oxfam, ASMAE, ChildHope, and Kanlungan sa Er-ma Ministry, Inc. It is part of a larger national Gender and Inclusion Assessment (GIA) that engaged 27 I/NGOs and 950 respondents across 11 target constituencies in six regions.
Read, view, and download the complete PDF version of the presentation deck here.