Resilience Knowledge Exchange Series 2021: Developing a Localized COVID-19 Vaccination (Pasig City) Presentation Deck

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of lives in various ways. Globally, there are more than 90 million confirmed cases and 2 million deaths. Among these are half a million Filipinos that are confirmed cases and nearly ten thousand deaths. Apart from the health crisis it brought, COVID-19 has also disrupted livelihoods, social services, government programs, among others.

Almost a year after the COVID-19 lockdowns began in the Philippines, scientists and experts from different parts of the world have come up with a vaccine to slow down the spread of the virus – shedding light on possibilities of returning to normal. The Philippine government developed the National COVID-19 Vaccination Plan for an efficient and effective vaccine deployment and delivery to the Filipino people. 

While the National COVID-19 Vaccination Plan is more of an overview of the steps of the national government, there is an urgent need to localize these plans and be adapted at the LGU level.

A new strain has also been recently discovered and severe side effects from the vaccine have been reported globally, causing panic and fear among communities. The government is also taking extra steps to address these doubts through various information dissemination activities and education campaigns.


The Resilience Knowledge Exchange Series Session covering this topic was entitled, “How Local Government Unit’s Prepare Their COVID-19 Vaccination Plans”, and was held last March 04, 2021 and was co-implemented by CARE, ACCORD, the MOVE UP Project, and the START Network.

This presentation on the development of Pasig City’s localized COVID-19 vaccination program presented by Dr. Angelo Saquitan, Rural Health Physician, Local Government of Pasig City.

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