Resilience Knowledge Exchange Series 2021: Women Enterprise Fund Post-Project Sustainability Presentation Deck
This session of the Resilience Knowledge Exchange Series (RKES) aims to disseminate the results of the post-project sustainability (PPS) evaluation of the Women Enterprise Fund initiative (WEF-PPS). The study findings, learning, and recommendations seek to enhance the gender responsiveness and sustainability of livelihood recovery in humanitarian-development nexus programming.
The WEF initiative was one of CARE’s largest women-targeted disaster response and recovery projects. A total of 929 women entrepreneurs from six provinces were assisted in the project to restore their household livelihoods devastated by Typhoon Haiyan. WEF’s supported the women’s microenterprises towards the development of more sustainable livelihoods that could rehabilitate or diversify household income sources to secure their access to basic needs. CARE, together with local partners, implemented three key interventions: the infusion of financial capital, capacity-strengthening activities, and linkage to relevant supply chain actors and service providers.
The WEF-PPS study assessed the women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and resilience outcomes that were sustained among WEF-supported women entrepreneurs four years since the completion of the WEF initiative. It not only explored the unintended and emerging impacts of the WEF project but also identified contributing factors to sustainable outcomes. The study also looked into the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on women’s livelihoods to determine their resilience.
In this study, sustainability is defined as the achieved state and benefits of women’s economic empowerment and resilience are maintained, and WEF beneficiaries continue adapting their situation to evolving conditions while achieving economic well-being. The CARE gender equality (GE), WEE and resilience frameworks guided the design of the evaluation. The harvested WEE and resilience outcomes were classified, analyzed and interpreted based on five WEE and resilience domains of change: economic advancement, access to skills development and job opportunities, access to assets, services and other support to advance economically, decision-making in different spheres, and reducing drivers of risks.
This WEF-PPS session of the RILHUB Resilience Knowledge Exchange Series is aimed at reaching the objectives below:
1. Share the findings of the study – what outcomes and benefits were sustained or have emerged four years after the WEF project closed.
2. Share evidence on WEE and resilience outcomes to support advocacy initiatives.
3. Inform future programming strategy and call for actions based on learning and recommendations
4. Acknowledge the successes of WEF entrepreneurs and the contributions of partners
This presentation on the WEF-PPS outcomes was created and presented by the research team composed of Ms. Maria Teresa Bayombong, Ms. Caitlin Shannon, Ms. Maria Adelma Montejo, and Ms. Tzuhsuan Peng.
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