Cross-Learning Platform for Resilience-Building Session 3 Part 2: Partner-Level Learning Exchange on Women’s Meaningful Participation and Decision-Making in Resilient Livelihoods

The INCREASE Project has committed to holding four (4) learning exchanges engaging local implementing partners and partner communities across provinces to share DRR CCA / IRM good practices, ideas for sustainability and upscaling, innovations, and evidence from which these are based.

Similarly, the project has also committed to producing four (4) research briefs/communication materials, or case stories, from DRR CCA / IRM good practices and innovations documented to be published through RILHUB.

This partner-level learning exchange is the second part of the INCREASE Cross-Learning Platform for Resilience-Building Session 3. The learning questions raised to partners are the following:

  1. How is community members’ participation in DRR and CCA programs and activities changing?
  2. How are community members being included in the design and delivery of these risk reduction programs and activities? What role do women’s organizations, women CSO leaders, and local champions play in facilitating inclusion?
  3. How is the project influencing LGUs to be gender-responsive and risk-informed?
  4. From the perspective of a local planner, why is there a need for gender-responsive and risk-informed planning? What benefits can one get from mainstreaming IRM? Any evidence as to why local governments need to be more flexible to change (i.e. integrating IRM, gender lens in their plans), etc.?

To access a soft copy of this presentation deck, please click here.


INCREASE or  “Philippines – Increasing Resilience to Natural Hazards” aims to increase the resilience of 45,00 women and men small scale farmers and fishers, including 720 extremely poor female-headed households, to natural hazards and the effect of climate change. The project will run from 2019-2021 in different parts of the Philippines, namely 36 barangays across 8 municipalities in the provinces of Cagayan, Mt. Province, Northern Samar, and Surigao del Sur. Its project components and activities include early warning systems, alternative livelihood, and climate and disaster governance.