CARE Rapid Gender Analysis on Power – INCREASE: Northern Samar, Philippines

Vulnerable groups – particularly women – suffer most from natural and man-made hazards. Now more than ever, there is a need to account for their needs and interests in public decision-making spaces to ensure that community-based disaster risk reduction (DRR) mechanisms and governance structures are effective, inclusive, and are sustainably adopted. Providing women with the opportunity and ability to actively participate in DRR planning and solutions not only amplifies their voice in decisions that affect their lives but also harnesses their potential in leading community DRR work.

Aimed at increasing the resilience of small-scale farmers, fisherfolk – with focus given to female headed-households and women collectives in its partner communities, Project INCREASE sought to augment its women engagement activities and advocacy work through (1) piloting the Women Lead in Emergencies (WLiE) action research model in its activities, and (2) drawing insights from the Rapid Gender Analysis on Power (RGA-POW) conducted in nine crisis-affected barangays in Mapanas, and Palapag, Northern Samar, Philippines that are covered by the project.

This RGA-POW provides information about the different needs, capacities, and aspirations of women – with a focus on the structural and relational barriers to, and opportunities for women’s leadership and public participation during and after emergencies, as well as relevant information on the local context from previous studies (e.g. post-distribution monitoring reports, rapid gender analyses, etc.).

Apart from demonstrating that women do have power and exercise this with other women, the report also outlines underlying reasons for limited public voice and decision-making for different groups of women and identifies potential resistors and risks, as well as presents opportunities and actions that can address observed barriers. Thus, providing promising directions for WLiE in INCREASE.


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