Good Practices in Social Protection in the Informal Economy (Presentation Decks)

In partnership with the Department of Labor and Employment, the MOVE UP project explores different social protection strategies for the informal economy.


You may access the following presentations decks enumerated and linked below:

  1. Department of Labor and Employment Child Labor Prevention and Elimination Program
  2. Social Protection Overview
  3. DOLE Integrated Livelihood and Emergency Employment Program (DILEEP)
  4. National Employment Recovery Strategy (NERS) for the Workers in the Informal Sector
  5. Good Practice on Social Protection Response: Livelihood Resilience (Work Productivity) and Social Protection in the Informal Economy Synthesis



MOVE UP- Mindanao is funded by the EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid and is implemented by a consortium of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which include CARE Philippines, ACCORD Incorporated, Plan International Philippines, and Action Against Hunger Philippines.