August 13, 2021

Cross-Learning Platform for Resilience-Building Session 2 Part 2: Partner-Level Learning Exchange on Incorporating DRR and CCA in Sustainable Livelihoods Presentation Deck

The INCREASE Project has committed to holding four (4) learning exchanges engaging local implementing partners and partner communities across provinces to share DRR CCA /…

July 30, 2021

Natural Farming System Guidebook

The Natural Farming System Guidebook promotes reducing dependence on off-form inputs to women and men farmers in INCREASE areas. It offers practical guide to make…

July 29, 2021

INCREASE Conducts First Session of The Cross-Learning Platform for Resilience-Building

The first week of July marked the implementation of the first session of the INCREASE Cross-Learning Platform for Resilience-Building, an initiative that aims to bridge…

July 5, 2021

Remote Mock Tabletop Exercises: Continuing Resilience- and Capacity-Building in the Time of the Pandemic (A Brief Introduction)

In the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many of the resilience- and capacity-building efforts of different organizations and programs have been hampered by existing and…

July 1, 2021

Equality and Women’s Empowerment Key Message

Gender equality and social inclusion are cross-cutting themes that are central to CARE’s emergency and development programming. In this IEC material, CARE's Gender Equality Framework…

July 1, 2021

Community-based Disaster Risk Management Key Message

INCREASE recognizes the key role that local communities play in preparing for disastrous events. Hence, it conducts community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) training sessions to…

July 1, 2021

Contingency Planning Key Message

INCREASE conducts contingency planning workshops along with local actors and vulnerable sectors to enable timely, effective, and appropriate response in the event of a disaster.…

July 1, 2021

Sustainable Agriculture Key Message

With resilient livelihood as one of the core activities of INCREASE, promoting sustainable agriculture principles to women and men farmers in the project areas help…

April 27, 2021

INCREASE Integrated Risk Management (IRM) Briefer

The briefer aims at familiarizing INCREASE target communities with the definition and characteristics of Integrated Risk Management (IRM). It also contains the CARE IRM Framework…