[Collaborations] Increase
Women’s Meaningful Participation and Leadership in Managing Livelihoods and Community Resilience-Building
Disasters and climate change disproportionately affect women more than men due to less access and control over resources and opportunities that can lead to more…
Incorporating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Sustainable Livelihoods
Floods, typhoons, and other extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and intensity due to climate change and the deterioration of natural environments. These hazards…
Last Session of INCREASE’s CLPRB Discusses Sustainability Plans and Exit Strategies
On October 25th, the INCREASE Project, in collaboration with RILHUB, has officially held the last session of the Cross-Learning Platform for Resilience-Building (CLPRB) from 9:00…
CARE Rapid Gender Analysis on Power – INCREASE: Northern Samar, Philippines
Vulnerable groups – particularly women – suffer most from natural and man-made hazards. Now more than ever, there is a need to account for their…
Cross-Learning Platform for Resilience-Building Session 3 Part 2: Partner-Level Learning Exchange on Women’s Meaningful Participation and Decision-Making in Resilient Livelihoods
The INCREASE Project has committed to holding four (4) learning exchanges engaging local implementing partners and partner communities across provinces to share DRR CCA /…
INCREASE Holds 3rd CLPRB on Gender Mainstreaming in Community Resilience
On September 22 and 24, theINCREASE Project, in collaboration with RILHUB and its community partners, held the third installation of the Cross-Learning Platform for Resilience-building…
INCREASE Project turns over EWS Equipment and IEC materials in Mt. Province
by Ashley Venerable, INCREASE Project Early Warning Systems (EWS) equipment were officially turned over to the community members and barangay officials of Natonin and…
Organic Swine Production using Effective Microorganism Technology
Women and men farmers in INCREASE areas were capacitated to build communal and household-level resilient livelihoods. Among these livelihoods is swine production. This manual was…
INCREASE Holds CLPRB on Navigating the LCCAP in Commemoration of WHD 2021
In celebration of #WorldHumanitarianDay (WHD) last August 19th, the INCREASE project held another virtual iteration of the Cross-Learning Platform for Resilience-Building (CLPRB) today. This is the…