[Move Up] Good Practice

Stories from Peacebuilding & Humanitarian Actions

A collection of impact stories showing the achievement of tribal peace after 20 years, how…

The Philippines Humanitarian Partnership Platform: Enabling Locally Led Responses to the El Niño Crisis 

The recent El Niño event has severely impacted the Philippines, causing widespread drought, food shortages,…

VIDEO: MOVE UP Alternative Temporary Shelter (ATS) Implementation & Manual

The Moving Urban Poor Communities toward Resilience (MOVE UP) Project set up Alternative Temporary Shelters…

MOVE UP Implementation in Manila

This impact video showcases the MOVE UP project's impact to its partner communities and LGUs…

Good Practices in Social Protection in the Informal Economy

In partnership with Department of Labor and Employment, the MOVE UP project explores different social…

MOVE UP Iligan and Marawi Success Stories Video

This impact video shows the successes of the MOVE UP project's implementation in Iligan City…

MOVE UP SRSP Success Video

This success stories video shows the impact of the pilot implementation of a shock-responsive social…

Stronger Together: Finding Hope in the Midst of Crisis (The MOVE UP Project Coffee Table Book)

The 2021 MOVE UP Project Coffee Table Book gives general information of the Moving Urban…

Women’s Meaningful Participation and Leadership in Managing Livelihoods and Community Resilience-Building

Disasters and climate change disproportionately affect women more than men due to less access and…
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