Integrating Gender into Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Practical How-to Guide Written on November 25, 2018. The Resilience and Innovation Learning Hub Philippines or RILHUB is an online platform for learning and reflection Continue reading
Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis: Handbook Written on November 25, 2018. The Resilience and Innovation Learning Hub Philippines or RILHUB is an online platform for learning and reflection Continue reading
CARE’s Resilience Marker Guidelines Written on November 24, 2018. The Resilience and Innovation Learning Hub Philippines or RILHUB is an online platform for learning and reflection Continue reading
Toolkit for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Projects Written on November 24, 2018. The Resilience and Innovation Learning Hub Philippines or RILHUB is an online platform for learning and reflection Continue reading
Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation, Reflection and Learning for Community-based Adaptation Written on November 24, 2018. The Resilience and Innovation Learning Hub Philippines or RILHUB is an online platform for learning and reflection Continue reading